Friday, July 25, 2014

Is misused neuroscience defining early years and child protection policy? | Education | The Guardian

Is misused neuroscience defining early years and child protection policy? | Education | The Guardian: Neuroscience is huge in early years policy. This week, in what's been characterised as the largest shake-up of family law in a generation, the 26-week time limit for adoption proceedings has come into force, much of it justified by the now-or-never urgency of this set of beliefs, that the first three years (or sometimes first 18 months) hardwire a baby's brain, either give it or deny it the capacity for a full life. This is the engine of what is known as the First Three Years movement, which has transfixed politicians from across the spectrum. Allen and Duncan Smith's report opened with an illustration of the "normal child's" large brain and the shrivelled, walnut brain of the neglected child.

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